Friday, October 14, 2011

Writing Workshop: College Admission and Scholarship Essays

Monday, October 17

6 pm

Norman Public Library

Open to all potential college applicants.

If the process of writing essays for college scholarships and admission seems daunting and mysterious to you, join us on Monday for a workshop that will demystify the process. Moira Ozias, Associate Director of the OU Writing Center, and Stephanie Buettner, Associate Director of OU Prospective Student Services, will lead an interactive workshop for potential college applicants on October 17, 2011 from 6-7 pm at the Norman Public Library. The workshop will give participants insight into how scholarship and admissions committees read essays and how applicants can craft essays to effectively gain the attention of these readers. Participants will have time to begin brainstorming and drafting essays, as well as opportunity to gather feedback from others.

Ozias and Buettner have 14 years combined experience working with high school seniors and college students who are applying for scholarships and academic programs and will share their insights and experiences with participants. While Ozias and Buettner hold positions at OU, the workshop is designed for participants who are interested in applying to a variety of institutions.

This workshop is co-sponsored by the OU Writing Center, OU Prospective Student Services, and the Norman Public Library. To register, click here.

Friday, October 7, 2011

How to Write a Lot: Join a Writing Group

Graduate students are invited to join a new writing group. Our first meeting will be held this coming Wednesday (10/12) at 5 pm in Wagner Hall. Please join us!

Graduate Student Writing Group
Every other Wednesday, 5 pm
Wagner Hall 280
For more information, click here.

The following post was written by the Carrots and Sticks writing group. Thanks to Robin, Alicia, Carla, Chris and Rennie for sharing their experiences in this post. And congratulations to the two new Dr.s!

Thank you for giving us an oppor
tunity to share with other graduate students the benefits we've enjoyed by forming a writing group. Our desire to form a group originated in summer 2010 when a couple of us attended The Writing Center's "Camp Completion" whereat forming writing groups was discussed. The name for the group - "The Carrots and Sticks Writing Group" - was inspired by one of the Camp's recommended texts - How to Write A Lot by Paul Silvia. We highly recommend this book to graduate students interested in learning more about forming such groups, and about writing in general. It's brief, filled with humor, and responds with 'kick-in-the-pants pragmatism' to a number of reasons people give for not writing.

About Carrots and Sticks:

When it was founded in fall 2010, the group consisted of five doctoral students in three programs in education. We did not know each other collectively then. It was just a matter of trying to round up enough people working on education-related dissertations to form a writing group. Since then, two of us have successfully defended our dissertations! The group gifted our new docs with bouquets of carrots (of course!) and OU pens (to symbolically encourage continued good writing). Indeed, though their immediate writing projects have changed, these members remain active in the group.

How the Writing Group Works:

We consider ourselves an 'accountability group;' not a 'content group'. That means we do not review each other's work, which allows us to be accountable to one another without adding to individual workloads. We meet in the Oklahoma Memorial Union each week for 30 minutes. During the meeting, we record in the group's "Folder of Goals" (Silvia) our accomplishments for the past week and goals for the next one. When goals are met, the group shares in 'carrots' (praise, support, and encouragement to keep on keeping on); when goals are not met, we acknowledge 'sticks' while providing understanding, compassion, and, again, encouragement to keep on keeping on. It’s not uncommon for members to report both 'carrots and sticks' in a given week.

Benefits of Being in the Group:

Our weekly meetings help us individually in scheduling our writing projects. Our mutual commitment to meet and set goals serves as a gentle source of peer pressure that works to keep us writing regularly. After all, none of us like to show up to the meeting and report "sticks!" to the group.

We also schedule occasional writing marathons in which we carve out chunks of time ranging from 5-12 hours to work on individual projects in community. Several of these marathons have been held at The Writing Center (Thank you, Writing Center!); and are always highly productive. At the last marathon, one member had two major dissertation breakthroughs: one that connected important theoretical works, and another related to his research model. We like to think that the dedicated 'brain space' of the marathon experience helped; but either way, we cheered and recorded his breakthroughs in the green folder.

Finally, in addition to giving and receiving ongoing and unconditional friendship and collegial support, we have a deep appreciation for the shared high and low experiences of being doctoral students. We listen to and learn from each other. We trade information about things that work and challenges we encounter, including those related to college and institutional processes. And, perhaps most importantly, we encourage one another to persevere, to not give up, to be dogged in our academic pursuits. We're our own juke box heroes! We support each other in setbacks and cheer one another's accomplishments- great and small.

In short, we highly recommend to other grad students to form writing groups of your own. At the very least, it will make writing more fun.

Good luck!

The Carrots and Sticks Writing Group

(Alicia, Carla, Chris, Rennie and Robin)

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Moving Sooners, Moving Planet

Join the Norman community as we take a walk across campus on September 24, 2011 in an effort to help the world "move beyond fossil fuels." The event will be a family-friendly activity to build awareness for the day-to-day possibilities without fossil fuel dependency. So come on foot, bike, board, or skates and join the worldwide "Moving Planet" event. Saturday 24, 2011; 10 am - 12 noon. For more information, visit

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Waffles for Writers, This Wednesday!

Don't forget, tomorrow is the kick-off Waffles for Writers. It's the third Wednesday of each month, and I know tomorrow is going to be a big one. So come grab a bite to eat and work on your projects while you're here. Waffles will be served from 9 - 12 noon, so come for breakfast and stay for lunch (hey, waffles are nutritious, right?).

Friday, September 16, 2011

Calling Graduate Student Writers: Don't bowl (or write) alone

There's something about our concepts of success and writing that seem to encourage us to go it alone. We struggle in front of the flickering blank screens of our computers (writers block, anyone?) or meticulously scrub every inch of our bathrooms (procrastination at its best), hoping for a breakthrough or an escape. We think of writing as a romantically individual activity ... or maybe a painful one.

In Bowling Alone, Robert Putnam explores the eroding social ties and interactions amongst people in the United States. While he makes connections with civic and political engagement, I wonder if there might be a connection for academic writers. When we strike out on our own as writers, disconnected from others, we lose out on the support, accountability and feedback that could help us to break out of unhelpful patterns of working and thinking. Even more, we could be losing out on connections with others that result in new insights or scholarly collaborations. Think about it. Maybe we need to build our social capital as writers, as well as citizens and thinkers.

I've participated in a number of writing groups over the years. Each worked differently based on the shared goals of those involved. In every case, though, I saved time and energy, gained momentum, learned about resources, and benefited from the accountability that the groups offered. In some cases I even met people who became collaborators or mentors. I became not only a better writer, but a better scholar and collaborator.

I encourage you to consider joining a writing group. You can check out the Writing Groups page of our website for information on the groups that are currently meeting. And if you're a graduate student interested in joining a group of other graduate students, please fill out this quick questionnaire so that we can connect you with others.

There's no sense writing alone when you could join a league. Who knows, you might even get a cool shirt and few good drinks out of it.

Post by Moira Ozias, Associate Director, OU Writing Center
Member of the Breakfast of Champions and the As-Yet-Unnamed Thursday faculty writing groups

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Retool and Reframe Your Resume

Are you headed back to the job market, changing careers or looking for a first job? Whatever your situation, if you're interested in retooling and reframing your resumé, please join us this Thursday evening at the Norman Public Library. Moira Ozias (OU Writing Center) and Jerry Stinnett (OU English Department) will lead a resume writing workshop on September 15 from 6-7 pm in the Norman Public Library's Computer Training Center.

Moira and Jerry will describe various strategies for highlighting your skills and accomplishments, capitalizing on your strengths, and effectively focusing resumé content toward position descriptions. You can bring current resumés to the workshop or bring ideas and create a resumé from scratch. You'll have opportunity to work in small groups with facilitators and can expect to leave with concrete ideas for strengthening your resumé, as well as helpful resources for writing future resumés.

The workshop is free and open to the public. For information on registration and attendance, you can visit this site.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Librarian on Location: Wednesdays, 1-3 pm

The semester is in full swing, and the Writing Center is definitely in on the action. As you are working on your upcoming papers, consider coming by to see us in the coming days. We will even have a Librarian on Location as an extra resource. On Wednesdays, Librarian Karen Antell will be at the Wagner Hall Writing Center location from 1 - 3 pm. So come by to get assistance with locating, analyzing, and using the library's resources for your projects. And stick around to work on your own or with a writing consultant.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Open in the Evening

The Writing Center is now open evenings! For up-to-the minute information about our locations and hours, check out the calendar on our homepage or click here. You can now find our consultants at the Cate Center from 4-8 pm on Sundays, Mondays and Wednesdays (excluding holidays). You can also drop by our Wagner Hall location until 8 pm on Tuesdays.

And if you can't make it to one of our face-to-face locations, remember that you can also send us your writing through the web (click here). One of our consultants will email you feedback within two business days.

We look forward talking with you about your writing.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Open Mic with Lauren Zuniga

The OU Write Club invites you to join them for their first open mic reading of the semester. Tonight's featured reader is Lauren Zuniga, locally and nationally known performance poet and teaching artist. As Rachel McKibbens, winner of the 2009 Women of the World Poetry Slam has said, "Her poems are massive; brimming with the wit, heart and humanness we all crave from our leaders. Unlike so many artists, she understands her purpose. She puts her life on the line. Her poems are the quiet protesters whose existence is proof that the world can, in fact, be fixed. Think of the photograph of the man standing before a line of tanks in Tiananmen Square, and you'll get an idea of what Zuniga's poetry is willing to do for you."

Please bring yourself, your poetry, your fiction, or just your desire to be moved by words. We'll see you at Cafe Plaid tonight.

Write Club Open Mic Reading
with featured reader Lauren Zuniga
7-9 pm
Cafe Plaid

For a taste:

Experience more of Lauren's poetry at

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Important update!

The webpage is having some problems, particularly with online submissions. But we are still available for online consultations. Simply email with your writing and a brief description of what you'd like the consultant to look at. Thanks for bearing with us as we figure this out!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

New Academic Integrity Code

Read about the new academic integrity code, and check out this video from an OU professor on the topic. Start the semester writing with integrity!

For more, you can visit the Integrity Website or view the new Academic Integrity Code

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Fall Semester to Begin!

The 2011 Fall semester is about to begin here at the University of Oklahoma, and the Writing Center is ready for action. The WC opens at 9 am on the day classes begin, Monday the 22nd. So stop by to say hi or bring in your syllabus and semester projects as instructors hand them out during the opening week of classes. You can check out our hours in the Google calendar on the left side of our homepage or clicking here.

Good luck as you start your classes, and remember to write sooner!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Plan for the end of the Semester

It is nearing the end of the summer semester! Be sure to come in early to work on your final papers for your summer classes. Online consultations will close Wednesday the 20th, and the Writing Center will close for consultations on the 28th. We will reopen at the start of the Fall 2011 semester, August 22nd.

Happy Writing!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Second Summer Open Mic/Reading Night

IT IS BASTILLE DAY! We shall storm the gates! With poetry! And blogs! And possibly also, if the stars align and the breeze blows just right, with stories!

Invite your friends! Poetry, short fiction (or excerpts), creative nonfiction, blogging, journal entries of high merit, artfully composed grocery lists, and more are all welcome--and everyone in the OU/Norman community is invited to read, listen, and enjoy. Readers, too. Co
me, listen.

The fun is happening at Second Wind Coffeehouse, July 14th.
Sign-up at 8:00. We read at 8:15pm.

Our featured reader for this event will be Rain Gomez. Check out her amazing poetry!​/poetry.html

RSVP or Invite Your Friends!

Monday, June 20, 2011

OU/Norman Writing Month!

Every year NaNoWriMo ( kicks off in November with writers around the world gathering to pound out 50,000 words of a novel from scratch. This is an amazingly supportive and generative event, pushing writers to stop obsessing, planning, and talking about what they are going to write and just do it.

Unfortunately for most of us academics, November is probably the worst month to begin a new project. Therefore, in conjunction with Write Club and with the support of the Writing Center, we declare July to be OU/NorWriMo!

OU/NorWriMo will challenge to writers in the OU/Norman community to stop saying they are going to write and start writing. In the spirit of inclusivity, not only novelists or even prose writers are invited to this event: If you write, then you’re invited. Novelists will write 50,000 words of a new novel. Short story writers, nonfiction writers, and bloggers will set a daily word count or a number of new pieces to finish by the end of the month. Poets should set a number of poems they would like to complete per day or week.

Our kickoff date will be June 30th, so if you’d like to come to the meeting and set your goals with a group of likeminded writers, you are welcome to join us at 3:00pm for this meeting. The OU Writing Center has provided space (and coffee) for us to gather and discuss.

In addition to being invited to join us on that date, you can join us on Fridays in the Writing Center. We’ll run marathon writing sessions from 10am-3pm and meetings to check-in on progress and vent at 3pm.

If you’re unable to come to these meetings, you are certainly welcome to plan other meet-ups via the Facebook Event or on our page at OU Creative Writers Community, OR you can check-in with your progress online to brag on yourself.

RSVP or invite your friends here!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Publish and Flourish Workshop Series

This week and next the Writing Center will be hosting writing workshops for faculty. Come in and be sure to make use of your summer break!

Call the front desk to enroll: 405-325-2936

Fresh Produce:
For those starting a new project/grant proposal/article
June 13 & 14 9:00am-3:00pm

R & R:
Focuses on getting a revise and resubmit revised and resubmitted
June 16 & 17 9:00am-3:00pm

Book Proposal:
For those who are writing a book proposal for a publisher
June 20 & 21 9:00am-3:00p

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Waffle Celebration!

In celebration of our second annual publication of Waffles for Writers, the infamous Jessie St. Amand will be making waffles in the Writing Center. And it's not even a Wednesday! So come by for breakfast/brunch to get a waffle, and take a look at Waffles.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Summer Online Consultations

Summer online consultations open today June 1st and will remain open until July 2oth. If you have papers you are writing for summer classes, if you're working on a longer academic project over the summer, or if you are just writing for yourself and would like a second pair of eyes, you can submit a piece up to 5000 words for our consultants to read for you.

To submit, go to our main page at and access the online submissions page through the sidebar. Please remember that if submissions are busy, it may take up to two weekdays to return your writing with feedback.

Write, Sooner!

Write summer!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Call for Poetry

The Best Poems Encyclopedia would like to call for submissions for its second annual Poetry print Anthology for the best 303 creative works and poems written of the year and develop a new collection dedicated to discover young emerging creative writers and poets among academic diaspora.

Submissions should deal in some way with the following themes in new and exciting ways:
- Issues of modern life daily experiences in poetry of any genre
- Human Relationships
- Borders
- Identity
- Love
- Life and Death
- Inspiration
- Politics
- Women

Submissions are open to any creative writers in academic scholarship cycles (students, professors, etc...) and poets from confirmed ones to new young emerging ones.

The deadline for submission is 30 June 2011. All current members and those who join in advance of the deadline are eligible. Submissions is free and information on how to submit directly via the online form can be found at

Monday, May 16, 2011

Welcome to Summer

After a long summer break (a whole three day weekend!), the Writing Center at OU is back in action. We will be open for consultations throughout the summer from 10 am - 3 pm on Monday-Thursdays. Just a reminder: we won't be open on Memorial Day or 4th of July.

If you're taking summer classes, we are here to help in whatever way possible. So stop by for some brain storming ideas, questions about your paper, or if you just need some space to spread out your work as you tackle projects for your classes.

If you don't have any classes this summer, this is a perfect opportunity to get going on those projects you haven't had time to work on with all the work of the Spring semester. As I, Evan, am writing this, I'm thinking through all the projects I get to invest in over the summer because of the available time. I'll be working on an article to send out (hopefully by the end of the month - I'll let you all know) as well constructing a plan for my Master's Thesis. So if you have a large project looming in the distance, come on by and pull up a chair! We will be here writing, enjoying conversation, and, of course, eating the occasional waffle.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Finals Week

During Finals Week we will be open from 10am-3pm our main location- Wagner Hall 280. Come by with your final papers for a walk-in. On Tuesday we'll have popcorn, Wednesday we'll have waffles, and Thursday we'll have pizza!

Online submissions will return June 1st.

Monday, May 2, 2011

MAE Poets Talk this FRIDAY!

In conjunction with the Mark Allen Everett Poetry Series, Chad Sweeney and Jennifer K. Sweeney will be coming to the Writing Center to talk with writers about the poetry biz. Coffee and tea will be provided.

Their poetry reading will be held the night before, May 5th, 7pm, in Ellison Hall. Come to hear them read, and then come to discuss publishing.

Final Hours This Semester

Writing Center hours for this week and Finals Week are now up on our Google Calender. May 6th will be the last day satellites will be open, and during Finals Week, the main location (Wagner 280) will be open for walk-ins from 10:00am-3:00pm.

Be sure to plan ahead and bring those papers by!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Write Club Movie Night!

Write Club will be hosting their end of the semester movie night in the Writing Center. This semester we will be screening Inception. Come to watch and discuss. Candy and popcorn will be provided!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Open Mic/Reading TONIGHT!

The Creative Writers Group (Write Club!) will be hosting our FINAL OPEN MIC/READING OF THE SEMESTER! April 21st! We'll be at the Second Wind Cafe from 7-9pm. Poetry and short fiction or excerpts are all welcome and all creative writers in the OU/Norman community are invited to read, listen, and enjoy.

We are excited to announce that our featured reader for this meeting will be Ratpack Slim! Check out his work on Youtube!

Monday, April 18, 2011

April 20th Waffle Wednesday

Come by the Writing Center this Wednesday to get your waffles! Fuel up for your projects for the end of the semester!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Camp Completion 2011

Camp Completion get your dissertation going!

Has your plan of study or dissertation proposal been approved by your committee? Then you can join us at Camp Completion, a three day long program where our consultants will lead you through the first steps of planning to write your dissertation. In addition, we will facilitate special topics such as time management, wellness, conflict resolution and negotiation with advisors/committee members, and mapping a strategy for completion. There will be sessions focused on disciplinary writing conventions as well as discussion on developing an academic voice as part of building your repertoire as a writer. We welcome international students and students who bring diverse abilities and experiences.

Camp Completion will take place in the OU Writing Center (room 280 Wagner Hall, a new building east of the Price Hall and south of the Nuclear Engineering Laboratory. MAP). For more information and to enroll, click here.

Monday May 23, 2011, 9am - 3pm
Tuesday May 24, 2011, 9am - 3pm
Wednesday May 25, 2011, 9am - 2pm
Breakfast, snacks & lunch included each day.

Monday, April 4, 2011


There are going to be some great events for the OU/Norman Queer community in the next two weeks. For LGBT Health Week (April 4th-8th), there will be a table on the South Oval from 11am-1pm with information.

Next week (April 11th-15th) will be OU PRIDE WEEK!

Monday- 10am-3pm, Free food, music, and face painting at the South Oval!

Tuesday- Potluck dinner at Reeves Park 5:30pm with Sooner Allies and Norman's queer community!

Wednesday- 7pm, Drag Show in the Oklahoma Memorial Union Molly Shi Ballroom!

Thursday- Queer Art Show at Downtown Sound, 7pm! To submit, email:!

Friday: Breaking the Silence Open Mic Night at Second Wind Coffee Shop (564 Buchanan) 7pm!

Mark Allen Everett Poetry Series

Upcoming MAE Poetry series events!

April 11th, 3:00pm- Jake Anderson, author of ten books of poetry and seven on dance history and criticism, will be reading at The Jacobson House (on the corner of Boyd and Chautauqua).

April 15th, 7:00pm- Zhang Er, author of multiple collections of poetry in Chinese and English, will be reading at Ellison Hall (on OU's campus across the street from Goddard).

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Second Open Mic/Reading Night

The Creative Writers Group (Write Club!) will be hosting our SECOND Open Mic/Reading March 31st! We'll be in Wagner Hall, room 280, from 7-9pm. Poetry and short fiction or excerpts are all welcome and all creative writers in the OU community are invited to read, listen, and enjoy. The Writing Center will provide coffee, tea, and other refreshments.

We are excited to announce that our feature reader for this meeting will be Dr. Kimberly Roppolo, who in addition to being a published poet, is an Assistant Professor in the English Department and an affiliated faculty for the Native American Studies Program.

Camp Completion 2011

Camp Completion get your dissertation going!

Has your plan of study or dissertation proposal been approved by your committee? Then you can join us at Camp Completion, a three day long program where our consultants will lead you through the first steps of planning to write your dissertation. In addition, we will facilitate special topics such as time management, wellness, conflict resolution and negotiation with advisors/committee members, and mapping a strategy for completion. There will be sessions focused on disciplinary writing conventions as well as discussion on developing an academic voice as part of building your repertoire as a writer. We welcome international students and students who bring diverse abilities and experiences.

Camp Completion will take place in the OU Writing Center (room 280 Wagner Hall, a new building east of the Price Hall and south of the Nuclear Engineering Laboratory. MAP). For more information and to enroll, click here.

Monday May 23, 2011, 9am - 3pm
Tuesday May 24, 2011, 9am - 3pm
Wednesday May 25, 2011, 9am - 2pm
Breakfast, snacks & lunch included each day.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Research Writing Seminars

Two research writing seminars will be hosted in the upcoming weeks by the Writing Center in conjunction with the Student Success Series. If you have research papers to write, or if you will be doing research writing in the future, come to these free meetings to work with your writing.

Research Writing I

Wagner 280, Tues, 4-5pm, March 29th

Research Writing II

Wagner 280,Thurs, 2-3pm, April 5th

Contact for further details if you are interested.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Friday Evening Poets, Comedians, Musicians and Art

Tomorrow night (Friday) Eric Bosse will be reading at the opening of Downtown Sound, a music and arts cooperative started by Robert Scafe. There will also be poets, comedians, musicians, and some original art on the walls. This event corresponds with the monthly “Second Friday Art Walk” in downtown Norman, so come on down and enjoy some art, entertainment, and wine.

The event starts at 6:00, and Bosse is scheduled early (circa 6:20). They are located at 115 S. Crawford.

Spring Break!

The Writing Center and all its locations will be closed for consulting during Spring Break. Be sure to get to our Wagner location today and Cate 4 or Sarkeys tomorrow to talk to someone about your writing (check our website for hours).

During the break would be a great time to catch up on your writing and get some papers ready for another set of eyes! We'll be open again March 21st in our Wagner Hall location!

Monday, March 7, 2011

International Writing Group Today

The International Writing Group will meet today. We will discuss the writers' current concerns about their writing. So bring questions! If you like, you can also bring your writing.

Today, 3-4pm, Wagner Hall 280

OU Creative Writing Community on Facebook!

Follow us there to keep updated on the creative writing events going in the community.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Norman Mailer High School and College Writing Awards for Creative Nonfiction

The Norman Mailer Writers Colony and the National Council of Teachers of English are pleased to invite submissions for the 2011 Norman Mailer High School and College Writing Awards for Creative Nonfiction. We hope you will encourage your students to apply.

Cash prizes of $5,000 to $10,000 will be awarded to National Winners. Four finalists in each category will be awarded trophies. Sixteen semifinalists in each category will be awarded certificates. Winners receive travel and lodging to attend the Colony's National Award Ceremony.

Entries accepted online only March 1 - April 28, 2011, Noon CST.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Open Mic/Reading Series!

The OU Writing Center is excited to announce that the Creative Writers Group will be hosting an Open Mic/Reading March 3rd! We'll be over at the Second Wind Coffee House on 564 Buchanan from 7-9pm. Poetry and short fiction or excerpts are all welcome and all creative writers in the OU community are invited to read, listen, and enjoy.
Our feature reader for this meeting will be local poet Lauren Zuniga. Preview her poetry here at her website or check out her blogs!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Writing Center Attends SCWCA Conference

Consultants from the OU Writing Center attended the South Central Writing Center Association 2011 Conference, hosted by the University of Houston- Clear Lake, from February 17 through February 19. The South Central Writing Centers Association is a regional affiliate of the International Writing Centers Association and provides a forum for dialogue among directors, staff, and others interested in writing centers.

Talisha Haltiwanger, from Chickashaw, OK, presented “Reaching Out: Connecting with the Deaf.” CRL doctoral student from Iowa Lady Branham presented “Writing Centers and Theories of Hospitality.”

This is the third year that OU consultants have attended and presented at SCWCA.

Writing Center Consultant Presents at Historian Conference

Senior Letters major and consultant at the OU Writing Center Kaitlyn Willit will be presenting at the Phi Alpha Theta-Oklahoma Association of Professional Historians Conference on February 18-19 at Cameron University. Phi Alpha Theta is an honor society that promotes historical study among both students and professors in its biennial conference.

In her paper, “The Ordination of Women in the Catholic Church,” Willit addresses the debate surrounding female ordination in Christian communities and examines the issue from both sides to determine why no progress has been made in the debate in over thirty years.

Willit, who is from Edmond, OK, will graduate in May 2011 and intends to move to Ireland.

Upcoming Student Success Series Events

Ten Tiny Library Tricks
With Molly Strothmann, University Libraries
Wagner Hall 245, 4-5pm, March 1st

Managing Stress
OU Health Services
Wagner Hall 245, 4-5pm, March 3rd

Avoiding Plagiarism: Quoting and Citing Sources
Tim Jones, University College
Wagner 245, 4-5pm, March 9th

For more information and a full listing of events, visit the Student Success Series website.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

History of Science Essay Competition

HSCI Essay Competition for Undergraduate Students

Remember those well written, well researched HSCI term papers? Enter them into the HSCI Undergraduate Essay Competition for a chance to win!

First Prize: $50 Gift Card

Second Prize: $30 University Bookstore Gift Certificate

Third Prize: $15 Starbucks Gift Card

Papers should be 10-15 pages long, double spaced, 12 point Times New Roman with one inch margins and must contain a cover letter containing your Name, Email Address and Essay Topic. Please deliver 5 stapled copies of your paper to HSCI Department (6th floor of the Physical Science Building) no later than 5 pm on April 8th. Prize winners will be notified on April 20th via e-mail and expected to attend an award ceremony on April 22nd at 3:30 in the HSCI collections (5th Floor Bizzell Library).

For further information, please e-mail royline

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Eat free all day!

Come for Waffle Wednesday in the Writing Center in the morning for some delicious, hot waffles.

Then at lunchtime you can head over to the Huston Huffman Fitness Center Conference Room for a free Health and Fitness Seminar, with a bag lunch!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Writing Center Closes at 6pm Tonight

The Writing Center will be doing staff training this evening, and will therefore close at 6pm at all locations.

Academically Adrift - Audio Conference on February 18th

The book Academically Adrift: Limited earning on College Campuses has set off a national debate on rigor and the college curriculum. Learn more here.
On Friday, February 18, at 11:45 AM TP is sponsoring the national audio conference: Inside Higher Ed presents "Responding to Academically Adrift: What Colleges Can Do," with Richard Arum, one of the authors of the book.

We invite you to join us for this live audio conference. To RSVP, contact LTP by phone at 325-2323 or by email We will meet in the LTP Conference Room (101 Copeland Hall) for the webcast and a discussion will follow.

Contact Us: 325-2323, email at:, web:

Monday, February 14, 2011

Chocolate Today, Waffles Wednesday!

On February 14th, we get chocolate. On February 16th, you get waffles! Come into the Writing Center hungry and get some great fuel to start your day! Delicious waffles, and you can bring your writing to work on, too. Because we love you.

Mark Allen Everett Poetry Series

Welcome, poetry lovers!

Next Tuesday (February 22nd) will be the second of several poetry readings this semester, arranged by the Mark Allen Everett Poetry Series. Alexandra Teague, winner of the 2010 Lexi Rudnitsky Prize for her first book of poetry, will be giving a reading at at Jacobson House Native Arts Center (located on the corner of Boyd and Chautauqua), 7:00pm.

For more information about readings past and present and about the poetry series itself, visit their website, To RSVP, visit the page on Facebook!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Writing Center Reopens Thursday

Campus will be open Thursday, February 10th, and so will the Writing Center! Bring those papers you've been working on at home to us at Cate 4 or Wagner Hall 280!

Don't Talk about Write Club!


Come join us Fridays at 2pm in the Writing Center to talk about your creative writing (fiction, nonfiction, poetry) and get in on creative writing events!

Connect with others to share drafts and talk about what you would like to strengthen with your writing!

Read your poetry!

Join us for our movie night at the end of the semester!

Contact with any questions.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Writing Center Closed Feb 9th, All Locations

The Writing Center will be closed in all locations Wednesday, February 9th, for inclement weather. Check back here or OU's main page for further updates. An announcement for Thursday classes should be issued sometime Wednesday afternoon.