Monday, June 20, 2011

OU/Norman Writing Month!

Every year NaNoWriMo ( kicks off in November with writers around the world gathering to pound out 50,000 words of a novel from scratch. This is an amazingly supportive and generative event, pushing writers to stop obsessing, planning, and talking about what they are going to write and just do it.

Unfortunately for most of us academics, November is probably the worst month to begin a new project. Therefore, in conjunction with Write Club and with the support of the Writing Center, we declare July to be OU/NorWriMo!

OU/NorWriMo will challenge to writers in the OU/Norman community to stop saying they are going to write and start writing. In the spirit of inclusivity, not only novelists or even prose writers are invited to this event: If you write, then you’re invited. Novelists will write 50,000 words of a new novel. Short story writers, nonfiction writers, and bloggers will set a daily word count or a number of new pieces to finish by the end of the month. Poets should set a number of poems they would like to complete per day or week.

Our kickoff date will be June 30th, so if you’d like to come to the meeting and set your goals with a group of likeminded writers, you are welcome to join us at 3:00pm for this meeting. The OU Writing Center has provided space (and coffee) for us to gather and discuss.

In addition to being invited to join us on that date, you can join us on Fridays in the Writing Center. We’ll run marathon writing sessions from 10am-3pm and meetings to check-in on progress and vent at 3pm.

If you’re unable to come to these meetings, you are certainly welcome to plan other meet-ups via the Facebook Event or on our page at OU Creative Writers Community, OR you can check-in with your progress online to brag on yourself.

RSVP or invite your friends here!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Publish and Flourish Workshop Series

This week and next the Writing Center will be hosting writing workshops for faculty. Come in and be sure to make use of your summer break!

Call the front desk to enroll: 405-325-2936

Fresh Produce:
For those starting a new project/grant proposal/article
June 13 & 14 9:00am-3:00pm

R & R:
Focuses on getting a revise and resubmit revised and resubmitted
June 16 & 17 9:00am-3:00pm

Book Proposal:
For those who are writing a book proposal for a publisher
June 20 & 21 9:00am-3:00p

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Waffle Celebration!

In celebration of our second annual publication of Waffles for Writers, the infamous Jessie St. Amand will be making waffles in the Writing Center. And it's not even a Wednesday! So come by for breakfast/brunch to get a waffle, and take a look at Waffles.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Summer Online Consultations

Summer online consultations open today June 1st and will remain open until July 2oth. If you have papers you are writing for summer classes, if you're working on a longer academic project over the summer, or if you are just writing for yourself and would like a second pair of eyes, you can submit a piece up to 5000 words for our consultants to read for you.

To submit, go to our main page at and access the online submissions page through the sidebar. Please remember that if submissions are busy, it may take up to two weekdays to return your writing with feedback.

Write, Sooner!

Write summer!